How To Paraphrase MLA - QuillTools

To paraphrase MLA (Modern Language Association), you need to execute the right paraphrasing, and use the MLA citation style to acknowledge the author. This can be a tedious process if done manually; for this reason, we will show you in this article how to paraphrase MLA in a proper way, and which paraphrasing tool or plagiarism checker you can use to do it properly.

Wed, 20 Sep 2023
min read

how to paraphrase mla

How to do paraphrase citations?

Paraphrase citations, also known as in-text citations for paraphrased material, are used to give credit to the original source when you've rephrased or summarized information from that source in your own words. In academic writing, it's essential to properly cite paraphrased content to avoid plagiarism and acknowledge the source. You can paraphrase citations in various citation styles, including MLA, APA, and Chicago.

In MLA style, you should include the author's last name and the page number, if it is available, in parentheses after the paraphrased content. If there's no page number, you can use the author's last name alone.

 Original Source (from a book by Sam Malinowski, page 37)
 "The vast majority of species on earth hasn't been discovered yet."

Paraphrase with MLA in-text citation:

  Most species on earth have not been discovered. (Sam 45).

How do you paraphrase a research in paper in MLA?

There are four main steps to paraphrase a research paper in MLA:

  • Get the full meaning of the research
  • Isolate the key points and information
  • Use your own words to rewrite it
  • Make a citation properly

Your paraphrasing needs to be different than the source to avoid plagiarism within your document even if you are citing the source. You need to create a totally different style that the original author's, and at the same cite the source.

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How do you cite a paraphrase in MLA without an author?

To cite a paraphrase in MLA format without an author is done by using the title of the source, or the first significant word of the title in you in-text citation.

There's two type types of works:

  • Short works like articles or chapters
  • Long works like books or movies

In case it is a short work, enclose it in quotation marks to identify it like this:

"Most species on earth have not been discovered" ("Smith 45").

If it is a long work, use italic font:

Most species on earth have not been discovered (The Great Words).

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If the title is too long, or if you are paraphrasing from different works by the same title, use the first significant word of the title in your in-text citation:

Most species on earth have not been discovered (The great).

You will still respect the rule of long work or short work. 

Remember to capitalize all the letters for each significant word of the title, as MLA style suggests.

What is an example of a paraphrase ?

Here are the 10 steps for an effective paraphrasing:

  1. Read the source and understand the full meaning
  2. Identify the key information in the source
  3. Try to remember without using the source
  4. Rewrite the source information using your own words
  5. Check your writing against the original content
  6. Make a citation for the source
  7. Revise and refine your writing for a last time
  8. Check for plagiarism inside your writing
  9. Proofread to correct grammar and spelling mistakes
  10. Attribute the source in addition to the citation

As you can understand from all of this, this is not an easy task; for this reason we provide our set of tools to help you accelerate all of this. You can use our to rewrite in your own different style, and you can check for plagiarism in any of your writings, sentence by sentence, with no words limit.

How to paraphrase MLA from a Website?

Follow the same steps to paraphrase the content, and provide a proper citation to recognize the source. Here is an example:

Source website information:

Title: The Great Words

Paraphrase with MLA in-text citation:
 Most species on earth have not been discovered. ("The Great Words").

Respect the same MLA rules that we've explained for books or articles.

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Check also our If You Paraphrase Is It Plagiarism page.

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Do you have to use in-text citations when paraphrasing MLA?

When paraphrasing, it is appropriate to use in-text citations in accordance with the MLA style, to prevent plagiarism, to credit the original source and to ensure proper attribution, even if the information is rephrased.

Paraphrasing doesn't eliminate ideas ownership, and when you paraphrase, you are still using some author's ideas, so this is why it is crucial to give them credit and use the in-text citations when paraphrasing MLA.

Note that you can paraphrase using the author's name, or without using it by using his work title. Here are some examples:

Paraphrase MLA with author's name using in-text citation:
Most species on earth have not been discovered. ("Sam Malinowski").

Paraphrase MLA using only the title in in-text citation:

Most species on earth have not been discovered. ("The great words").

How to paraphrase a quote?

To paraphrase a quote, you should rewrite it in your own words and provide a citation without altering the meaning, and by using an in-text citation. You should know which paraphrasing style you have to use, as there many styles like MLA or APA.

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Check also our If You Paraphrase Is It Plagiarism page.