If You Paraphrase Is It Plagiarism - QuillTools

Discover the art of paraphrasing and learn how to avoid plagiarism in your writing. Explore essential paraphrasing techniques, the importance of proper citation in styles like APA and MLA, and how to use your own words effectively to ensure your content remains original. Find out when and how to cite sources to prevent legal issues, and understand the consequences of improper paraphrasing. Uncover the common pitfalls of paraphrasing and why it's crucial for students and researchers to master this skill. Discover not only how paraphrasing tools can assist, but also when to use them wisely. Learn the art of paraphrasing to elevate your writing and maintain content credibility.

Fri, 27 Oct 2023
min read

if you paraphrase is it plagiarism

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing means reproducing the same sentence or paragraph meaning using other words and style. It is a very important skill to have in communication and writing. There are several paraphrasing techniques used to perform a good paraphrase, and here are some of them:

  • Read and understand the meaning of the original text before starting
  • Replace words with synonyms 
  • Change the structure of your sentences
  • Convert quotes to reported speech
  • Switch from active to passive voice and vice-versa
  • Rewrite a whole paragraph instead of paraphrasing sentence by sentence

Here's an example of by replacing words with synonyms and switching from passive to active voice.

Original sentence: "This product was made by our company, and it was introduced to the market last year"

Paraphrased sentence using active voice and synonyms:

"We produced this product at our company, and it was launched in the market last year"

What is acceptable paraphrasing?

For your paraphrasing to be officially acceptable you need those elements:

  • The paraphrased text must differ from the original
  • The meaning must stay the same
  • Your text must be grammatically correct 
  • Stay in the same style of the original text
  • Cite the source in citation styles like MLA, APA or Chicago

The paraphrased text must significantly differ from the original without changing the original meaning. You can do this by using one of the paraphrasing techniques in the above paragraph.

It is important to cite the original text, especially if you intend to use your text in an academic context or publicly to prevent any legal suits, bans, and, in general, any issues with the original authors of the text. 

Do you need to include a citation if you are paraphrasing?

It is the best practice to include citation if you are paraphrasing because you are 100% sure that your content won't risk any bans or legal action. It also gives your content more credibility for the reader and for the search engine in a website context. Using citations shows that your information is relevant, and you can attract high-quality readers that way. 

However, you need to choose your paraphrasing style because when paraphrasing, you must respect some rules of citing that will affect not only your citation format but also your paraphrasing.

Any original source can be cited even if you don't know the author. For example, you can use the book title or the website header to cite the original source.

Explore our How To Paraphrase MLA page.

You can also check our free version of Quillbot paraphrase.

Check also our Best paraphrasing tool for research paper page.

Can you get in trouble for paraphrasing?

You won't get into any legal action if you cite the original text when you are paraphrasing, and you also need to use your own words that differ from the original source without changing the meaning. Those criteria need skill to be achieved, or you can use a for this purpose.

Now if you paraphrase without citing, you have to know the risk you encounter. In a website context, search engines don't impose using citations. However, they can detect originality via ideas inside your text. For example, if you paraphrase a whole article without adding anything different to it, search engines can know that your content has been made by paraphrasing other content.

In general, you need to study the context you are in to know which risks you can encounter by paraphrasing other's content. You also need to know when it is suitable to add your own opinion and when it's not. All those factors are important to perform professional writing and get the best results.

Can you get caught using a paraphrase tool?

It depends on the paraphrase tool you are using; a powerful paraphrasing tool will paraphrase your text in a professional manner like a human writer would do. It will replace words with synonyms and apply structural changes to your text in a perfect way, staying at the same time in a similar style.

Now the question is: Can I get caught even if I use the best paraphrasing tool?

The answer is it depends on the way you structure your whole work because need skill to be achieved, or you can use a or essay won't bring anything new or special to the original work, and any decent reader will detect that. Sometimes, you may rewrite an article better than the original; in this situation, you'd better check if the original author doesn't mind that.

How do you paraphrase without plagiarizing?

Beyond the similarities between the original and the paraphrased text, plagiarism is using another author's ideas without citing it. Now, if by plagiarism, you mean having an exact text match, you can use our to prevent that and produce a unique content.

If you are writing a book or working on a serious writing project that may be publicly accessible, you need not only to paraphrase and cite but also to paraphrase in the best way by using your own words. All , MLA, and Chicago insist on that. To perform this task, you need to use a powerful paraphrasing tool like ours to help you with your work.

If you have been composing content from different sources and want to make it unique, you can use our to paraphrase in a way that completely changes all sentences and paragraphs. 

Is it plagiarism if you paraphrase and cite?

The only case when it is considered plagiarism is when you don't use your own words sufficiently, considering you respect the citation style format you are using.

If you can't paraphrase enough with your own words, or you don't have time for that, you can use our online paraphrasing tool that does the work efficiently, like a professional writer would do.

Explore our How To Paraphrase MLA page.

Check also our Best paraphrasing tool for research paper page.

You can also check our free version of Quillbot paraphrase.

(Wondering how to choose the , check our article)

What is paraphrasing plagiarism?

Paraphrasing plagiarism means rewriting a text in your own words and keeping the same meaning so that you don't use the original author's words. You need to cite your paraphrased text in one of the available citation formats and styles like APA, MLA, or Chicago after all.

Plagiarism, in general, is using another's ideas in the same original words or in your own words without citing it. In a web context, it is known as the act of copying and pasting text into your own blog article.

It is true that search engines penalize severely for plagiarized content in the form of copy and paste, but you need to know that even if you don't add anything new or special to the paraphrased article, it will still be considered as an article with low value by search engines. It won't have chances to rank. 

If you paraphrase, is it plagiarism in an essay?

If done correctly, it is not considered plagiarism in an essay. You need to use your own words, and make structural changes to sentences. You also need to add new ideas or your own opinion if required to make it special.

You can use our paraphrasing tool to achieve professional results when paraphrasing for your essay. It will create a unique text with a professional style, helping you save a lot of time and effort.

Form plagiarism occurs when putting ideas into words that are too close to the original author's. In order to avoid plagiarism, citing sources is crucial. Paraphrasing is considered plagiarism when not done properly. Different citation styles like APA and MLA are available. Paraphrasing and plagiarism are closely related, so always credit the original author.

To paraphrase without limit, use our

You can also check .

Wondering how to choose the , check our article.

Explore our How To Paraphrase MLA page.

Check also our Best paraphrasing tool for research paper page.